This ZIP file contains the following: WHDOS.EXE A DOS version on WORDHUNT requiring NO other files. WHWINVB2.EXE A Windows version of WORDHUNT that uses the VB 2 VBX files WORDHUNT.HLP A Windows Help file WORDHUNT.TXT This file. GRID.VBX A Visual Basic File OLECLIEN.VBX A Visual Basic File WORDHUNT builds word finder puzzles from user supplied word lists. It prints them for solution with the word list. It has recreational and educational application. The DOS version has been used by local schools to aid with teaching spelling. The Windows Versions requires VBRUN200.DLL available from AOL. Each version is shareware with a suggested registration fee of $10.00 John Nye 4741 W Oraibi Drive Glendale AZ 85308